Posts Tagged ‘Womens Self Defense’

Phoenix School teaches “Braining” over “Brawling” for Self Defense.

June 23, 2011

Phoenix School teaches “Braining” over “Brawling” for Self Defense.
For Immediate Release
Contact Mark Mayes at 602-896-8721

Phoenix Bodyguard & Martial Arts Schools teach “Braining” over “Brawling” for Self Defense.

“Brain power is the key to neutralizing threats in this day and age.” Says head instructor John Nottingham of USA Martial Arts in Phoenix.
Especially when someone can actually be sued just for defending him or herself…”Security Wise / Street Wise personal protection” is proven to be the better alternative.
“This is the kind of protection training that security and law enforcement are moving toward…but it’s especially user-friendly to the average person who doesn’t have any kind of self-defense background.” Says Nottingham. Security Wise/Street Wise Personal Protection can be learned within a very short amount of time.
Nottingham should know because he owns a Security Company and trains bodyguards, law enforcement and military.
These classes will be held at USA Martial Arts Phoenix this Friday evening from 5p-9p, and Saturday afternoon from 12n-4p. Please call Mark Mayes for more information. Telephone: (602)896-8721.

Military Hand-to-hand combat system for Special Forces comes to Phoenix in Self Defense Training Course

June 7, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cathy at 602-896-8721
Practical self-defense Phoenix Arizona

Military Hand-to-hand combat system for Special Forces comes to Phoenix

NTS VIPER Tactical Instructor Anthony Miles Shows an Explosive Move from VIPER Street Combat Self Defense under the watchful eye of founder John Nottingham

John Nottingham launched his Arizona school USA Martial Arts & Kickboxing in 1992 and recently opened a new training center in Phoenix to accommodate his Bodyguard Security & Training Company [Executive/Close Protection]. In addition to teaching kids good values through martial arts, Nottingham teaches military, law enforcement and the discerning civilian.

“There are no rules on the street when it comes to your survival or that of a loved one.”, says Nottingham.

Their methods are considered unorthodox to the mainstream self-defense or martial arts way of teaching. Nottingham’s approach is to break structure, conventional thinking and teach clients to think and operate outside the box. The majority of martial arts and self-defense systems pre-scribe rules and strict conformity, sportive emphasis or complex motor movements. Although well-intentioned, many tactical self-defense, fighting and hand-to-hand-combat instructors are retrofitting sportive and cultural tradition lifestyle martial arts to fit what they believe is effective self-defense.
Nottingham’s self-defense method, called VIPER, is designed to break things down into effective, simple self-defense steps and principles that can easily be adapted to a wide variety of individuals in varying dangerous situations.

Last Resort Handgun Disarm Defense

Military Origins
Nottingham and his team come from a unique backgrounds in the military, having served in Special Forces, Airborne units, law enforcement and a decades in the martial arts. In the early 90’s, Nottingham was asked by his Army company Commander to develop an updated, simple and effective hand-to-hand combat course as part of an experimental program. His research continues to this day as he stays on the cutting edge of combatives and defensive tactics. His client list includes those who serve in combat, on the street as law enforcement and bodyguards to protect VIPs.


Bodyguard Tactics for Strategic Self-Defense

“The best way to explain VIPER (his version of reality based self-defense) is the skills you would use to survive the most terrifying criminal assault situations you or your family can imagine. We cover the entire gamet from early detection for avoidance to the harsh reality of physical intervention such as gouging out an attackers eye as a last resort. We teach our clients how to manage situations most people don’t believe are possible to survive.”, said Nottingham

“When your families lives are in danger or your life is on the line, you can’t be thinking about rules or worrying about the wrong things. Part of the initial education is deprogramming the incorrect conditioning and beliefs people have about self-defense so that they can adopt an accurate and winning mindset. Self-Defense is a leadership role so our clients learn to be assertive when they have to.”

VIPER Self Defense is built on natural reflexes, physics, bio-mechanics and the physiological response to intense stress.

“Clients have refered to VIPER as an American Krav Maga type training due to it’s reliance on combative principles, simple and effective self defense. However, VIPER Evolution I does not emphasize the physical as much at this level as Krav Maga does. Instead we teach smart strategies to avoid, detect, diffuse, avoid and thwart situations before the begin. We find this is a faster method to efficacy. Krav Maga was designed for young, fit, military personnel so it is very intense and high risk training. I love the Krav Maga system and practice it, however it is predicated on high mobility, explosive movement and a degree of athleticism most people don’t have or maintain. We take pride in VIPER being much safer than Krav Maga and can reach a wider array of clients because VIPER isn’t designed just for young, resiliant, military soldiers.”


Take for example a criminal threatening your family with a gun. The natural instinct for an untrained person is to fixate on the weapon. VIPER teaches clients how to control that intense stress and mental function through proprietary conditioning training, the same used for training elite Special Forces operators for combat. The body’s stress reaction becomes a conditioned trigger to look for exits, cover, and opportunities an untrained individual, gripped by panic, would not see.

Background of VIPER Close Quarters Combat CQC
VIPER was developed by John Nottingham while serving in a reserve detachment of a Special Forces Unit. He was selected by his company commander due to his unique background in combative martial arts in order to develop a scientific, highly effective method of practical self-defense for Special Operations. It had to be able to beat other elite forces hand-to-hand and weapon close combat training.

What Makes VIPER Different
The key difference in VIPER is in it’s testing. It only takes techniques, tactics and strategies that can be quickly and effectively implemented by a user then tested under stress. To date, Nottingham and his team have run thousands of scenarios and gleaned invaluable feedback from the tactics used in the field and street.

During the 25 years he’s served teaching Martial Arts, Law Enforcement, Military, Nottingham updated and refined his method of practical self-defense, and after scientific study and observation, adjusted his system to teach it to the civilian men, women and children.

Nottingham’s training materials, research and unique approach has inspired numerous other instructors. His training videos and programs have been adopted by military, law enforcement, martial artists, bouncers, agents and bodyguards all over the world.

“It’s gratifying to get feedback from Police Officers or Military that our programs saved their lives in the field. That’s what this training is designed to do – protect and give the good guys the edge.”, said Nottingham

Realistic Self Defense Training. Will What I Know Really Work?

“At some point everyone will face a moment when they have to ask themselves if what they know about self-defense and safety will truly and honestly work when they need it most. It might be to protect their loved ones or at a time when they are out of shape, injured or in a unique environment. VIPER will give them newfound confidence.”

Nottingham is quick to point out that martial arts is great and has numerous benefits but it is not to be mistaken with specialized self-defense and personal protection training. I encourage good martial arts training but it needs to be properly placed in context. Martial Artists are by far our fastest adapting clients, once they grasp the fundamental shift in mindset. However, what we do in VIPER doesn’t look anything like a typical martial arts class.

Nottingham and his team will be hosting a special VIPER SELF DEFENSE training course in May. It is a three day VIPER intensive immersion course combining classroom, slow motion drills and scenario training with a fully padded mock assailant.

V.I.P.E.R. Personal Protection Bodyguard Tactics for Self Defense Security
Students will learn to deal with the most common street attacks and self-defense situations including punches, chokes, grabs, and attacks from various positions such as from behind and on the ground.

The class even sets up different environments to have the students apply the VIPER thinking and action steps to resolve or escape the situations. Students get to learn how to deal with the stress and anxiety of a real attack in crunch time and how to manage the adrenaline dump, rapid heart rate and how to focus on what matters most for survival.

Instructors encourage students and create a learning atmosphere of comfort and relaxed professionalism where cheering is as prevalent as learning. Nottingham explains, “We know it is a stressful subject so our goal is to make it as enjoyable experience as possible. Our clients often comment on how much fun they had while learning and want to come back. Our repeat business is amazing. We guarantee you come out transformed and thrilled with your experience or we refund your money in full.”

In class, students learn the techniques of:
o Punching
o Kicking
o Elbows
o Knees
o Headbutts
o Biting
o Eye gouging
o [and some things Nottingham says only go to clients and too graphic for public articles]

Clients learn to develop power in their attacks and the vulnerable places on the human anatomy to attack for the best results. VIPER Self Defense emphasizes targeting and strategy over perfecting techniques, teaching students to keep it simple and direct.

Brutal Reality Check
Clients are shown videos of actual crime footage, assaults and then discuss applying VIPER tactics and tools to learn from the situation and prevail. Although graphic, Nottingham emphasizes that we have to understand violence in order to thwart it.

Our of Shape? Even More Reason To Take VIPER
Nottingham says that he can teach any willing student despite age, physical make-up or limitation. “Everyone can improve his or her personal protection with this course. It’s not about beating the other guy into submission. Most of it is brains over brawn. We focus on what a client CAN do, not what they can’t. People are often amazed to find out that we are hard wired for self-defense. We just need a few tools to best bring it out.”

USA Martial Arts Phoenix and Nottingham Sword & Shield Security – Scottsdale Bodyguard Academy -are located at 5930 W. Greenway Rd Suite 9 & 10, Phoenix, Arizona 85032. To sign up for this self-defense or another martial arts, kickboxing or personal training program, call 602-896-8721 Facebook: VIPER Personal Protection

John Nottingham Online

About John Nottingham
Owner Nottingham Sword & Shield Security
Founder USA Martial Arts Phoenix
John Nottingham is a 7th Degree multiple Black Belt holder, veteran who served in an Airborne Special Forces reserve unit, has been trained and holds certifications from Paul Vunak, Tony Blauer, Krav Maga, Gavin de Becker and Associates, Bodyguard Training International USA Bodyguards, ASIS, Robert Oatman, and many more.


June 7, 2011

VIPER PERSONAL PROTECTION Live Training for Reality Based Self Defense and Personal Protection Security. Bodyguard Tactics for Protecting Yourself and The Ones You Love.

Personalized Security Scenario Based Stress Inoculation Immersion Training

Stopping, or intercepting violence at its source through recognition, assessment and neutralization. VIPER is a course about winning, surmounting incredible odds, and quickly anticipating, eliminating or managing a threat in a variety of situations based on context.

VIPER strategy disrupts the threat and aims to keep you from harm. VIPER students learn to change the format, tempo, and style of conflict with clever and deceptive strategies that catch their opponents off guard. This enables VIPER trained individuals to stay one step ahead. VIPER teaches to attack threat and seize the initiative to dictate the outcome. It deals with neutralizing violence by any means necessary and only one of those modalities may be the use of physical force.

VIPER is made so that anyone can use his or her individual abilities and situation to adapt and win. Additionally it is designed for those who are out of shape and my have other limitations. You will develop your own safety plan and arsenal of skills centered on your individual needs and experiences.

VIPER teaches concepts so that student’s techniques improve over time and evolve into the response that works best for them. Additionally the concepts are like planted seeds that grow in time in students. The strategy used by VIPER evolves and adapts to fit virtually every situation that could arise.

VIPER students learn how to solve problems proactively and/or counter offensively, not simply react to them. It is a response to potential violence and the threat of being a potential target. VIPER graduates seize control and take the conflict to their arena where they can dominate and win. VIPER is designed for and used when responding to hostile situations and a high level threat.

Nottingham Training Systems

Bringing you to a higher level of personal safety through effective self-defense training in a very short period of time.

Course registration
Telephone 602-896-8721
VIPER PERSONAL PROTECTION [Self Defense Personal Protection Security]

AZ Neighbor California is Releasing up to 45,000 Prisoners. Self Defense Teacher Helps Phoenix Gain Peace of Mind with Self Defense

May 25, 2011

Arizona’s neighbor California is releasing 30,000 to 45,000 prisoners due to overcrowding. That leaves many Arizonan’s asking “How many of those criminals will flee to Arizona and the Phoenix area?” Security Specialist and veteran self defense trainer John Nottingham says, “If you are concerned with personal safety then this program will help you gain peace of mind. It makes a great gift to those you love and provides unconventional tools for self defense and personal protection.”

Women’s Self Defense | Street Self Defense | Reality Based Self Defense | Krav Maga | Jeet Kune Do | How To Protect Yourself | How To Do Self Defense Fast | Bodyguard Self Defense Security

Before you think Nottingham is just a local self defense instructor, take a closer look. John Nottingham, or “Master Nottingham” as his students call him, has taught military, law enforcement and over 10,000 students in his career. He is not only a multiple Black Belt holder with a 6th Degree Master Black Belt, but is a bodyguard trainer and owner of a security and executive protection company. He served in a Special Forces Reserve Unit and was asked to teach Hand to Hand Combat to Airborne Rangers, US Army Green Berets and other elite forces as part of a limited experimental unit program in the early 90s. Nottingham has also trained and taken students to national and international events in Korea and China.

Women’s Self Defense Phoenix | Arizona Personal Protection | Self Defense Seminar Arizona | Phoenix Self Defense | Cave Creek | Scottsdale Self Defense | Self Defense Seminar Phoenix |

“Much of our self defense advice flies in the face of conventional training and teaching. We use an empowerment and educational model that makes the training different than most places. We’re certainly different than law enforcement in our advice. We train them- we should know.”

What Strategic Self Defense & Personal Protection is NOT:

o Krav Maga, Jeet Kune Do
o Corner Dojo Karate or Taekwondo
o Highly stylized or retrofit techniques
o Complex moves & martial arts techniques
o Easy to forget techniques requiring tons of time to practice
o Rehashed old info you already know
o Typical self defense advice like “be aware”
o A politically motivated “women’s empowerment” or “man hater” course disguised as self defense
o Guys with big egos scaring people into fighting
o Misguided sport fighting such as Muay Thai Kickboxing or Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

What SecuritySafe | StreetWise is:

o Simple, but little known, techniques to end a physical attack instantly
o Tactics, techniques you already know and can instantly use (We’ll show you know where & when to use them.)
o Bodyguard tactics to avoid, prevent, thwart, deter would-be attacks
o Advanced Threat Assessment tactics to recognize and derail dangerous situations
o Military grade physical intervention techniques and the appropriate use of violence
o Mental, physical and emotional tools to use under stress of an actual criminal attack
o Clever tricks to see attacks coming before you lose the advantage
o Criminal mindset and typical tricks, tools and trouble spots
o Professional, respectful treatment with measurable results
o When most trainers tell you to “fight” we’ll teach you to evacuate
o When most courses will tell you to prepare to fight, we’ll show you how to end it
o Designed so that almost anyone can do it – even if out of shape

“Most self defense instruction available to the public is well intentioned but we would argue often, misguided, unfounded, dangerous or just silly. The premise of our training is to use proven tactics for protection to give our clients peace of mind. We’ll show you techniques used to protect the President that can work to protect you and your family. Training gives options and reduces stress that not having training denies.” – John Nottingham

Nottingham must be doing something right considering that his programs have been used by agencies and individuals all over the world. His concepts and training programs have spun off numerous imitators and other trainers. If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, Nottingham should feel proud.

“This course is an introduction with sound principles for protection (self defense). You won’t earn a Black Belt in a seminar or learn to fight like Jet Li or for the UFC, however you can instantly apply some of these [self defense] strategies to improve the level of safety and security in which you live your daily life. Clients tell me that is worth it’s weight in gold.”, says Nottingham.

The first part of the course is taught in a casual and relaxing classroom setting complete with a multi-media presentation, statistics, insight into the criminal mind and bodyguard tactics. It even includes crime footage of actual assaults and a discussion and analysis of options.

The second part is hands on, step by step instruction without the ego or drill Sergeant attitude. Male and female instructors help clients learn simple effective they can instantly use the moment they walk out the door. Since these are moves they already know, they don’t have to worry about remembering them under duress, when it most counts.

Now Is the time for the gift of peace of mind.

Great Gift for College Women!

Register Now for Split Second Self Defense
Split Second Self Defense is a crash course in personal security, crime prevention, survival signals and physical intervention self defense skills.

Two Options John Nottingham’s Strategic Self Defense:

Women’s Self Defense I 4 Hours
Women are invited to take a 4 hour self-defense seminar and clinic to learn practical, simple techniques to use against the most frequent types of attacks. Call to reserve a space.

Split Second Self Defense Training Seminar | 4 Hours
Men and Women are invited to take a 4 hour self-defense seminar to learn proven and effective tactics to detect, deter, de-escalate, diffuse and defense the most common types of attacks. Limited to 12 participants.

Sponsors: Nottingham Sword & Shield Security & USA Martial Arts Phoenix
4731 East Greenway Road Suite 9-10 Phoenix Arizona 85032
Self Defense Seminar Telephone 602-896-8721

Surviving Violent Attacks – Show Teaches Lessons on Self Defense

April 14, 2011

An interesting show on individuals who survived violent attacks.

I Survived…
An eleven-year-old boy wakes up and witnesses a vicious stabbing attack on his mother. A family is left stranded midair when the pilot of their small plane collapses at the controls.

A family is left stranded midair when the pilot of their small plane collapses at the controls.

Twin sisters get caught in the line of fire when a fellow student opens fire at a school morning prayer group.

Practical Self Defense for Personal and Family Security
For those of us in the protective fields of law enforcement, security and self defense, these kinds of shows can be valuable. I always advocate the kinds of shows and books that show how people survived violent encounters using smart self defense. Check it out and see what you can learn about surviving violent situations.

NOTTINGHAM Sword & Shield Security
Scottsdale Bodyguards
4731 E. Greenway Road Suite 10
Phoenix, Arizona 85032

The ABC’s of Personal Safety from a Security Self Defense Specialist

March 21, 2011

The ABC’s of Personal Safety from a Security Self Defense Specialist, Trainer and Speaker

Self Defense Tips – The ABC’s of Personal Safety and Security for Personal Protection

Self defense is something everyone knows that we should learn, yet few actually do. Rather than use a few self defense or fighting tips as an emotional pacifier, it is important to test and apply what you think you know. It is through this process that self defense competence is built. With self defense competence comes personal protection and security confidence. A good self defense instructor will ad to your peace of mind and help you use your innate survival signals and skills to bring to bear in protecting yourself and/or the ones you love.
When you learn to defend yourself you are less likely to have to because:

1. You tend to avoid potentially dangerous situations because you recognize them earlier
2. You are more likely to trust your intuition/gut feelings therefore act on them
3. Project more confidence which often removes you from the victim profile. Criminals like easy targets, not difficult ones.


Alert to Avoid Potentially Dangerous Situations
– Knowledge and Awareness of dangerous situations and how criminals operate
– Trusting instincts and Acting on intuition
Always observe safe habits and practices – Remember, we are always building habits – so practice good ones

Breathe and Be Calm by Believing you have options
– Belly Breath with Backpressure on exhale helps manage stress, adrenaline and fear
Be looking for opportunities, weapons, barriers, escape routes and targets
Be prepared with training and a plan but Be flexible

Communicate with Confidence and Commit
Clearly say and demonstrate directly what you mean and mean what you say
Change the Context of any situation you feel might lead to a violent encounter
Commit to your plan and execute with intensity

Whenever you increase distance, you increase time and options and usually deny the targets

Eyes on targets and Escape options
Eyes, neck, groin, knees, Everything’s a weapon, Escape

Recommended reading: “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker

Personal Security and Self-Defense Training Courses
Escape to Gain Safety: Jeet Kune Do based self defense for women
P.E.A.C.E.: A 5 Step Program of Self Defense
ABCs of Self Defense: Self Defense Basics for Everyone
The 5 Fingers of Self Defense: Self Defense Concepts
Street-Wise Street-Smarts: Street savvy self defense lecture
Hit Like a Girl: Bodyguard Tactics for Women in a fun entertaining format

Children’s Personal Safety Self Defense Courses
Kid-Wise Street Smarts
Bully to Buddy
Escape School for Kids- Stranger Safety Skills

Rapid Learn Immersion Reality Based Self Defense Training
Paul Vunak’s RAT: The rapid learn hand to hand combat course taught to Navy SEALS
John Nottingham’s VIPER Personal Protection: A customized street combat course specializing in scenario based training and adrenal stress conditioning, survival stress inoculation with context driven solutions.
Each program can be taught as a lecture or hands on clinic and tailored to the individual or organization.

USA Martial Arts Phoenix
4731 E. Greenway Rd. Suite 9
Phoenix, Arizona 85032

Nottingham Sword&Shield; SecurityNTS TACTICAL TRAINING Phoenix Campus
4731 E. Greenway Rd. Suite 10
Phoenix, Arizona 85032
The Arizona Bullying Intervention Initiative
The Arizona Bullying Prevention Project

* Credit for the original ABC’s of Conflict Avoidance to Kiyoshi Dave Kovar

As seen on Arizona News Channels 3, 5, 10, 12, 15, Good Morning Arizona, The Arizona Republic, Taekwondo Times Magazine, KONO Martial Arts for Kids, Hall of Fame Master of The Year
John Nottingham is a recognized expert in personal protection, author, consultant, speaker and a founder of Nottingham Security -Scottsdale Bodyguards- and the USA Martial Arts chain of schools. He resides in Scottsdale Arizona USA and provides professional consultation and training, products, and services related to self-defense, personal security and physical conditioning. A bodyguard, law enforcement and military trainer, he is certified Executive Protection Specialist (EPS).
John Nottingham has trained in martial arts for over 25 years including Taekwondo, Hapkido, Jujitsu, Aikido, FMA/Arnis, Jeet Kune Do, Kickboxing, Kyusho-Jitsu, Krav Maga, Wushu Kung Fu, Shamrock Submission Fighting, and weaponry. He developed his own integrative MMA or mixed martial arts curriculum designed for the average person to use for self defense and a healthy lifestyle. In his chain of martial arts schools, he and his staff teach men, women and children of all ages self defense and practical martial arts skills in a fun and exciting manner.
Master Nottingham also served honorably in a USAR Military Intelligence Det. of a Special Forces (Airborne) unit where he developed a unique hand to hand combat course for Special Operations Military forces.
He is currently hosting lifestyle and wellness events to train companies and individuals how to increase performance, improve health and vitality for an improved lifestyle. An award-winning instructor, he is a certified fitness instructor, personal trainer, boxing and Yoga teacher. He also is a sought-after speaker, consultant, subject matter expert, entrepreneur, and author.

Self Defense | Women’s Self Defense Instruction | Self Defense Seminars | Self Defense Speaking | Self Defense Specialist | Self Defense Expert | Self Defense Consultant | Founder Hit Like a Girl | Founder VIPER Street Combat Self Defense Personal Protection | Personal Security |

Self Defense Programs Karate, Martial Arts & Self Defense Schools Health & Fitness Consultants & Personal Trainers Karate & Martial Arts Supplies Diet, Weight Loss & Weight Control Programs Defense Consulting Agencies Special Interest Schools Tear Gas
CCW | Krav Maga Self Defense Fighting UFC MMA BJJ
Bullying Information | Bullying Resources | Bullying Statistics | Bullying Prevention Training | How To Deal With Bullying | Arizona Bullying Prevention | School Bullying Programs | ABC’s of Conflict Avoidance | Best Bully Program
AZ Bullying Prevention Project:
For more info see:
Security and Executive Protection:
Self Defense Seminars Speaking and Instruction:
North Phoenix:
Children Martial Arts

John Nottingham’s USA Martial Arts

“When I hear the name John Nottingham the first thing that comes to mind is Passion! Master Nottingham is one of the most dynamic individuals I have ever met. He is an EXPERT and he has INTEGRITY. John is the REAL DEAL and having him provide a big portion of my Health and Wellness Programs, John Nottingham has guided me to great heights inside and out. I would recommend with the highest regard all persons and families to experience Master Nottingham’s training and personal guidance to a better you! I promise you will not be disappointed.” July 27, 2010
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
1st Eddie Fischer,
hired John as a Personal Trainer in 2009, and hired John more than once
“I first met John Nottingham in 1994. During that time, I’ve personally trained under him for 13 years as a student. As an instructor he works tirelessly with his students often times sacrificing his own personal time and resources. He does so gladly, with enthusiasm and the highest degree of integrity. In my professional career I’ve associated with thousands of people. I rank John Nottingham among the highest.” July 23, 2010
1st Phil Borgia, Agent, State Farm Insurance
was with another company when working with John at John Nottingham’s USA Martial Arts
“Master John Nottingham is a very accomplished martial arts teacher with a strong will and determination to hone and perfect his craft while finding new techniques and fighting styles to incorporate into himself and his program.” July 23, 2010
1st Joseph Gangi, Film Maker, Gangi Films
was a consultant or contractor to John at John Nottingham’s USA Martial Arts

Martial Arts for Practical Self-Defense and Fitness

June 6, 2010

Beginners a specialty. Try it free with no obligation.

USA Martial Arts of Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Phoenix Area
Practical Self-Defense and Fitness

Martial Arts gets you into great physical shape and teaches you self defense.
Martial Arts incorporates the most effective hand, knee, elbow, and foot techniques with an intense cardio workout. This Martial Arts method of self defense enables you to protect yourself. Martial Arts will relieve your stress. When most Americans want to relieve tension they book a vacation. The problem is, relieving tension just once or twice a year is not enough. That’s why USA Martial Arts is so popular with men and women who want to relieve stress from their lives. Our Martial Arts workout burns off excess energy, relieves built-up tension and promotes a sense of calm. Each Martial Arts class becomes like a “mini-vacation”.

Martial Arts improves physical health. With our Martial Arts classes you gain mental clarity and a physically fit body. Our Martial Arts training classes have an innovative variation of quick jabs, power punches, and kicks, blended together to get you to burn over 800 calories per hour. Our Martial Arts is the best way to build your cardiovascular endurance, develop a stronger body and gain confidence in the way you look.

Get Your Kicks at USA Martial Arts PV

Martial Arts will help you look and feel younger. Martial Arts improves circulation which is terrific for healthy vibrant skin. Martial Arts gives you toned muscles for a younger, fresher look. Working up a sweat with our Martial Arts classes also rids the body of toxins that age you. So if you want to look and feel younger then its time to try USA Martial Arts.

Try It!
Free Trial Course – no obligation (limited time offer)
Call 602.896.8721 [USA1]
SouthWest Corner of Tatum & Greenway in Paradise Valley
Serving: Scottsdale, PV, Phoenix area families

Sensational Sound-bytes Not Always Best Self-Defense Advice

April 22, 2010

Women’s Self Defense Trojan Horse
Part V

In my 25+ year observation of the self-defense industry is that it is steeped in politics. From angry feminism, to the old boys network, the battle lines have been drawn by extremism and characterized much of the industry with it. It’s got as many nuts as a Whole Foods store. I’ve seen brilliance on both sides but it is difficult to wade through the opinions and rhetoric some times to get to the good information.

Hopefully the qualified voices in the middle won’t be drowned out by the venomous comments and political agenda of the extremists. Can we get to the meat of the message despite the messenger?

Some are martial artists with the agenda of perpetuating their particular style. Others are vicarious celebrity seekers believing they have the holy grail of ultimate techniques they piece-mealed together from a few lessons, books, tv or video in their garage and back yard. Yet others are academics with the ability to persuade but never made it out of the lab. Don’t we all have common ground?

My aim is to encourage thoughtful and respectful discussion and a cooperative effort to share and promote accurate life saving information; to build more peaceful lives, family and communities. Overly Utopian some might say, but I believe it’s possible.

One of the ways I’ve learned to keep my team honest and humble is to continual research, study and test our theories. We are constantly seeking better ways to do things and new ways to validate or invalidate claims. Perhaps this is why our clients have come to trust and value our recommendations and methods over the years.

I dream of a day when we can unilaterally rise above the politics of our personalities and unite for the common good and build better communities. Who’s with me?

For domestic abuse help go to:
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Nottingham Sword & Shield Security provides on or off site training. Unique Security Services and Self Defense Training nationwide including Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Cave Creek, Phoenix Arizona areas. This information provided in cooperation with: John Nottingham’s USA Martial Arts Scottsdale PV Phoenix, Nottingham Sword&Shield; Security and Hit Like a Girl Self Defense Personal Security Training
JKD Concepts PFS Progressive Fighting Systems “Filthy MMA”

John Nottingham, EPS is a graduate of Bodyguard Training International / USA Bodyguards. He was trained at Gavin De Becker Academy for Protectors and in Advanced Threat Assessment and Management. A Sixth Degree multiple Black Belt holder he served in a Special Forces Airborne reserve unit as a Military Intelligence Analyst. He is the founder of Nottingham Training Systems, Nottingham Security and the USA Martial Arts chain of schools.
The Firm
NTS Nottingham Training Systems is a public and private sector consulting and training firm specializing in developing mission specific solutions for first responders, law enforcement, military, security and civilians.
Nottingham Sword&Shield Security is the Protective Division of LCI Inc. which provides security strategies and solutions to public and private clientele. Nottingham Security serves and advises media figures, corporations, government agencies, police departments, universities, and at risk persons of situations that might escalate to violence. Nottingham Security’s capabilities include: individual, executive, family, children, event and mobile high and low profile protective services.

Some Reports and Self-Defense Information Can Be Harmful

April 22, 2010

Part IV

Can some Reports and Self Defense Information Can Be Harmful?

Myth: Something is better than nothing…
FALSE: Not when it’s false or interferes with natural survival instincts, denial of critical information, causes risky hesitation or freezing up under stress

Misleading information and sensationalized reporting emphasizing the details of violence or perpetuating “helpless woman” myths can do more harm than good. Alarmist reports can have the unintended effect of scrambling one’s survival signals. Reinforce that with social ideas that you might be viewed as paranoid for taking action on an instinct or seen as rude and we have a continued formula for victimization of women and the vulnerable.

I remain amazed at little respect and value that the protection of human life receives from many in the public and media. Oddly, I see more media on protecting cute fuzzy animals than humans – especially women, the elderly and children. Is it just me?

The same goes for authentic experts devoting themselves to protecting others. [ie the internet spam email self-defense advice is better known to most individuals than Gavin de Becker and other qualified experts offering life-saving advice] I’ve been paid upwards of $15000 for teaching personal security as well as offering similar content in FREE SELF DEFENSE courses and had nobody show. Humbling, perplexing and bizarre!

In my experience, people seem to rarely respond to the need for self-defense training unless scared into action or persuaded through a compelling experience.

Sadly, the volume of misinformation is so great that the life saving information for women’s self-defense and personal safety seems to continue to be drown out.

Truth in Media
Whatever the cause I contend that a change in the media reporting could make a difference. I agree with my teacher Gavin de Becker and wish News Reporting and the press in general were held to the same standards of truth in advertising.

Instead of providing emotional pacifiers for people with overly simplified “self-defense checklists” and office water cooler advice read off the latest email spam campaign, we might see more meaningful progress in protecting people through learning effective personal security self-defense strategies. This is difficult to do with lies, myths, distortions and inaccurate information.

When I served in Military Intelligence for a Special Forces reserve unit, I learned that the decisions of Command leadership were only as good as the intelligence and information they were provided. One of the early lessons we learned as analysts was to separate fact from opinion and render qualified, objective recommendations. Once the facts were reported, we might be asked to render an informed opinion. The two were always clearly distinguished from each other.

I wish the same were true of the media. More in the next article.

For domestic abuse help go to:
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Nottingham Sword & Shield Security provides on or off site training. Unique Security Services and Self Defense Training nationwide including Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Cave Creek, Phoenix Arizona areas. This information provided in cooperation with: John Nottingham’s USA Martial Arts Scottsdale PV Phoenix, Nottingham Sword&Shield; Security and Hit Like a Girl Self Defense Personal Security Training
JKD Concepts PFS Progressive Fighting Systems “Filthy MMA”

John Nottingham, EPS is a graduate of Bodyguard Training International / USA Bodyguards. He was trained at Gavin De Becker Academy for Protectors and in Advanced Threat Assessment and Management. A Sixth Degree multiple Black Belt holder he served in a Special Forces Airborne reserve unit as a Military Intelligence Analyst. He is the founder of Nottingham Training Systems, Nottingham Security and the USA Martial Arts chain of schools.
The Firm
NTS Nottingham Training Systems is a public and private sector consulting and training firm specializing in developing mission specific solutions for first responders, law enforcement, military, security and civilians.
Nottingham Sword&Shield Security is the Protective Division of LCI Inc. which provides security strategies and solutions to public and private clientele. Nottingham Security serves and advises media figures, corporations, government agencies, police departments, universities, and at risk persons of situations that might escalate to violence. Nottingham Security’s capabilities include: individual, executive, family, children, event and mobile high and low profile protective services.

The Women’s Self Defense Boogeyman Lives On

April 22, 2010

Women’s Self-Defense Trojan Horse
Part III

The boogeyman jumping out of the bushes and getting women from behind is still grabbing headlines while scores of women and children suffer at the hands of loved ones in their homes.

Why this fascination with the myth of so-called “unpredictable violence”? Perhaps it has something to do with our very human nature of enjoying drama and vicarious adventure and flirtation with danger. Perhaps it is a deep-seated fascination with the idea of “I’m glad it wasn’t me”. The fact is that each of us can and do predict behavior based on information we extract from our environment. In my professional opinion, the key to making it useful for survival is knowing what to look for, when to look for it and how to act on it.

Be Encouraged
People protect themselves successfully every day. Yet it is usually the failed attempts that make the news, offering us news consumers little to apply other than the anxiety pumped out from the sensationalized words, images and hopeless, distorted or misguided attitudes. A powerful and valuable skill that can convert this information into useful self-defense and personal security application is learning what to pay attention to – such as what worked, as well as what failed.

While not a psychologist or sociologist, I have taught self-defense, personal security, military, law enforcement and bodyguards for my entire professional life. [If experiencing a criminal attack, I wouldn’t want a clinical psychologist by my side. I’d rather have a person equipped with what Gavin and my company teach.]

For domestic abuse help go to:
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Nottingham Sword & Shield Security provides on or off site training. Unique Security Services and Self Defense Training nationwide including Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Cave Creek, Phoenix Arizona areas. This information provided in cooperation with: John Nottingham’s USA Martial Arts Scottsdale PV Phoenix, Nottingham Sword&Shield; Security and Hit Like a Girl Self Defense Personal Security Training
JKD Concepts PFS Progressive Fighting Systems “Filthy MMA”

John Nottingham, EPS is a graduate of Bodyguard Training International / USA Bodyguards. He was trained at Gavin De Becker Academy for Protectors and in Advanced Threat Assessment and Management. A Sixth Degree multiple Black Belt holder he served in a Special Forces Airborne reserve unit as a Military Intelligence Analyst. He is the founder of Nottingham Training Systems, Nottingham Security and the USA Martial Arts chain of schools.
The Firm
NTS Nottingham Training Systems is a public and private sector consulting and training firm specializing in developing mission specific solutions for first responders, law enforcement, military, security and civilians.
Nottingham Sword&Shield Security is the Protective Division of LCI Inc. which provides security strategies and solutions to public and private clientele. Nottingham Security serves and advises media figures, corporations, government agencies, police departments, universities, and at risk persons of situations that might escalate to violence. Nottingham Security’s capabilities include: individual, executive, family, children, event and mobile high and low profile protective services.